Documenting tools

I use and have used the following Help Authoring tools

Madcap Flare 2019

Installed byTW and output uploaded to client site. This app is extremely powerful. This is my go-to tool.

KnowAll by Hero Themes

Hosted and edited by some clients on their WordPress site for multi-authoring. This is my go-to tool for online authoring and editing.

Atlassian Confluence

A cloud-based platform hosted and edited by some clients for multi-authoring.


A cloud-based platform used by some clients for multi-authoring.

Snazzy Docs

A cloud-based platform used by some clients for multi-authoring.


A cloud-based platform used by some clients for multi-authoring.

I can author your documentation in any other help authoring platform you may desire. When you use any other online platform other than Madcap Flare, the additional cost of hosting will be for your account.

Last updated